Business and Executive Strategies/Employee Benefits
Business and Executive Strategies...
Develop and implement coordinated strategies designed to increase the value and potential of your business and to reward you and your key employees.
* 401k Rollovers
* Nonqualified Retirement Planning
* Buy-Sell Agreements
* Executive Bonus
* Employee Stock Options
* Deferred Compensation
* Key Person Insurance
* General Uses of Life Insurance
* Tax and Management Strategies
Employee Benefits...
Must have employer sponsored benefits in order
to serve the best interests of your business.
* Qualified Retirement Plan
- 40l(k)
- Pension Plans
- Profit Sharing Plans
- SEP Plans
* Group Benefit Plans
- Health Insurance - Multiple Carriers
- Health Insurance - Fully Insured
- Dental
- Life
* Section 125 and Cafeteria Plans, Disability Income, and Salary ContinuationBusiness and Executive Strategies...